Next.js progress - middleware

I'm learning how to create middleware in Next.js app router. There's one middleware per project which was WTF for me, but they write that you could put some ifs in your codebase: so maybe it's not a limitation after all.

First I used NextResponse.redirect but this changed my URL so I used NextResponse.rewrite so I am returning some content but URL stays the same

I haven't play with cookies or headers yet

And authentication - big thing to know.

Besides I wonder where to put data fetching in my SSG app. I'm making something that read some files on disk and I don't want to fetch same JSON file over and over. I thought maybe I could read data in middleware and pass to views but I think this is not really how you should do it in Next.js (well, there's possibility to pass data to routes via params, but I need some bigger data)

Next.js is somewhat more complex than I thought. But still, I think it's an easy framework, but not everything is clear at first.


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