How to be a modern front-end dev?

As a front-end developer in 2023, you need to become both more specialized and more generalist at the same time. Previously (circa 2005-2010) there was no front-back division and web developers usually also knew how to write HTML, CSS or write simple scripts in JavaScript, often paired with jQuery library. Then (I think it was about 2010?) front-dev development emerged as separated discipline. Front-dev devs became more and more isolated from backend. In following years front-dev and its ecosystem expanded. JavaScript evolved into quite modern and expressive language. New libraries was created like Angulars(1.* and 2+), React, Vue. More and more complex commercial applications would be created by companies. Job market was booming. But because there was more and more competition between companies, modern practices of product development also had to be put in place, because companies needed their products to be more competitive and user-friendly. So there were new roles in teams ...